Monday, November 17, 2014

Nov. 17

Thompson Class News Nov. 17
One more week before Thanksgiving break!  We received some amazing Turkey Projects today, thanks for keeping up with that.  For those of you that haven’t completed yours get them in this week.  Several parents have asked if we need anything for our class.  We our short on scissors and we need pencils.  Our class sharpener is on its last legs so it is eating through pencils.  The ones that seem to work best (don’t break, sharpen on both sides) are Ticonderoga and Papermate.  I know these are more expensive, but they are worth it.  The others just break over and over and we’re losing instructional time sharpening pencils.  If you find yourself out at the store this week and you can, would you consider gifting us some pencils?

This week in our learning
Reading: types of nonfiction text
Math:  subtraction
Social Studies: Pilgrims
Writing: procedural texts

Spelling: ar/or/oar/ore

Monday, November 10, 2014

Nov. 10

Thompson Class News Nov. 10
Parents last week I sent home a note about ordering t-shirts.  Please have your $5.25 in by Friday.  Wednesday is an early release day we get out at 11:55. Thursday and Friday are checkpoint test days.

This week in our learning
Reading: literary nonfiction
Math: adding on
Science: the night sky
Spelling: ar/or

Writing: biographies/pronouns