Monday, April 29, 2013

Week of April 29

Thompson Class News April 29

We are almost in May, it is so hard to fathom.  Parents our weather reports will be due this Friday May 3rd.  Your child has completed all research in class.  However, I know some students have been adding to their project by working on their weather phenomena at home. Our canned food drive ends tomorrow.  As of our printing this afternoon we are in third place, Ms. Thompson really wants that 30 minutes recess!  I might have been bragging about our class to the other teachers and it could in trouble (the other teachers know I like to coupon).  If you’re a couponer please consider helping out our class stockpile.

This week in our learning
Reading: Marc Brown study
Math: division/multiplication/problem solving
Social Studies: Finding U.S. on the map
Science: rollers
Writing: responding to our reading
Spelling: silent letters (knuckle, knife, knelt, wreck, wrinkle, wreath, wrapped, limb, climb, lamb, gnat, gnash)

Monday, April 22, 2013

April 22nd

Thompson Class News April 22nd

Parents we have reached another testing week.  Our food drive continues this week and ends Friday.  As of this morning, we were the leader in second grade!  We have an activity later on Friday that requires the six pack plastic rings from soda cans.  We need about 6.  If you have any would you send them to school? 

This week in our learning:
Reading: fractured fairytales
Math: Division
Spelling: ow/ou
(sound, coward, counter, clown, scowl, doubt, cloud, vowel, downtown, tower, pouch, loud)
Writing: responding to literature
Social Studies: maps/compass rose
Science: zoomers and twirlers

Monday, April 15, 2013

Week of April 15

Thompson Class News Apr. 15

Parents big thanks for all the glue sticks we had come in!  Check with your student and see if they have scissors.  We had several pair that I was loaning them when they lost their own, but those have mysteriously disappeared as well. CBA testing is over, thank goodness.  For the next two weeks we will be having a canned food drive.  We’re working with the rest of second grade to bring in the most canned/boxed/nonperishable goods to benefit the NTx food bank.  Bring in what you can spare.

This week in our learning:
Reading: Research- natural disasters
Writing: revising/editing
Math: Multiplication yes!
Spelling: many sounds of I (igh, ie. I)
Science: motion
Social Studies: 7 continents/5 oceans 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Lirpaloof Sighted!

First of all I just want to say WOW your students did an amazing job tonight at the PTA program!  They worked SOOO hard and it showed.  I was planning to come home and get some grading done, remember report cards go home next week.  But silly Ms. Thompson left her papers at school.  So instead, I want to share with you how I "got" your children on April 1st.

 I started our day Monday with our morning message letting them know how excited I was that it was April because April is when the Lirpaloof bird comes to north Texas.

In case you didn't know, the Lirpaloof is an orange bird who gets it's coloring from the carrots it loves to eat.  We talked throughout the day discussing vocabulary such as elusive, and how to sight a Lirpaloof.

 For those of you who do not know, you see the Lirpaloof when you go outside and look into a tall tree.  You must hold a carrot high above your head and sing the Lirpaloof call quietly.
 So out we went and held our carrots under the tree quietly singing "Lirpaloof-lirpaloof" Lirpaloof-lirpaloof.  
Wait. Did you see it?  I think I see orange.  Now you need to sing lirpa-loof backward.  Lirpa=April, loof=fool. April....Fool. April Fool. April Fool!  Awww Ms. Thompson!?!  After going back in I had two or three students assure me the joke was on me, they had IN FACT seen the Lirpaloof!

Week of April 9

Thompson Class News Apr. 9

Parents, tonight is our PTA program.  Don’t forget to get here by 6:45 and enter at Mrs. Nickerson’s room by the cafeteria.  Students should wear their class shirt (or a red shirt) and jeans or dark pants, and come wait in our class while parents find seats.  We are in our final week of the 5th six weeks.  Reports cards will come home next week.  We are CBA (6 weeks) testing tomorrow and Thursday.  Please make sure they sleep well and eat breakfast before they get here.  
Parents we are in need of glue sticks.  I started to use up the glue, but it was just a big ole gloopy mess.  Everyone’s papers are getting stuck together and I can’t grade them after ripping them apart.  If you find yourself at the store in the next few days would you pick up a few extra glue sticks?  It is very much appreciated.

This week in our learning:
Reading: Research
Math: review for CBA
Science: Balance/motion
Writing: Response to reading
Spelling: NO HOMEWORK!  Enjoy a week off, no spelling test this week.
Social Studies: technology

Monday, April 1, 2013

Thompson Class News April 1st.

I had a wonderful break for Easter, we even managed to get everyone dressed and on time for church!  This week our schedule is being adjusted a little for upper grades who are STAAR testing this week.  We will be staying in our classroom most of the day except for bathroom breaks.  If your student is complaining of boring days, it’s justified.  I feel it is just as hard for younger bodies to stay quiet as it is for the older ones to test.  Don’t worry, I have a few tricks up my sleeve to keep everyone engaged!  Ask your student what they learned about the lirpaloof bird!

This week in our learning
Reading: inferring
Spelling: changing y to i
Science: Balance/motion
Math: measurement review
Social Studies: technology
Writing: response to fiction