Monday, November 26, 2012

Week of nov 26

Thompson Class News Week of Nov. 26

I hope you enjoyed a nice long break.  We have four short weeks until our Christmas break.  The kids are starting to get the “itch”.  Please talk to your student about your expectations for while they’re at school.  We’re having some behaviors creep up that are distracting our learning.  Look for info in the next week or so about our Christmas party. 

This week in our learning:
Reading: features of text (determining type)
Math: two-digit addition (with regrouping)
Science: Life cycles
Social Studies: Columbus
Spelling: ore/oar
Writing: procedural text

Monday, November 19, 2012

Thanksgiving Week

I wanted to take the opportunity to let you know how THANKFUL I am to have each one of your students in my class.  They are areally sharp bunch and they make me smile each day. I truly enjoy each day we spend together.  I am also very thankful for such supportive parents. I hope you all have a fabulous holiday and get to spend lots of time with one another.  When we come back we will have 4 short weeks before we will break for Christmas.  YOU CAN BRING YOUR RECIPE TOMORROW IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY!

Friday, November 16, 2012

PTA Glow Party

We only had one student join PTA this year :(  But she sure had a blast at the glow party with the rest of second grade.  Have a fabulous weekend and don't forget recipes next week!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Late Breaking News!

Well parents it's one of those weeks where we have lots going on that wasn't mentioned in our Monday newsletter.  Student Council is collecting change for Hurricane Sandy victims. this competition is a boys vs girls competition. I've heard this is a weight competition, so while dollars are nice, a dollar's worth of coins would be even better. My sixth grader has asked me to take him to the bank to get five dollars worth of pennies. Clever boy! Student Council is also sponsoring a fundraiser for Hat Day.  For a dollar donation kids can wear any hat they want to school.  Money is to be turned in by Tuesday the 20th if interested.

Parents please send a favorite family recipe with your student for a writing assignment we will be doing next week.  It can be handwritten or typed, make sure it's something you don't mind me keeping.

There was something else, but it's escaped me now.  If I can think of it, I'll come back and add it.

Have a fabulous day, see you at 11:55.

Ms. T

Monday, November 12, 2012

Week of Nov. 12

Thompson Class News Week of Nov. 12

It was so nice to meet with all of you last week.  Remember report cards go home on Thursday.  We have early release on Wednesday at 11:55.  We dismiss next Tuesday at our regular time 2:55.  Next Tuesday there will be no tutoring. We will have the rest of the week off for Thanksgiving.  Classes will resume Nov. 26.

This Week in our Learning:
Reading: Literary Nonfiction
Spelling: -er, -ir, -ur
Math: Probability
Science: Moon/Night sky
Social Studies: Spanish and missions
Writing: Biographies

Did you see my Aggies beat Alabama this weekend? Thrilling! Gig 'em Aggies!

Monday, November 5, 2012

It's Officially Official!

It's official. After spending the week talking about voting and participating in the schoolwide election I am able to report that by any overwhelming majority (85%), Ms. Thompson's class is a blue room.  Ms. Thompson's class has chosen Barack Obama to continue with a second term as president.  We conducted a secret ballot vote and the students also got their voter registration cards.  Have a wonderful day!

Nov. 6th

Thompson Class News Nov. 6

This week is the last of the second six weeks.  You’re right, there were only 5 weeks.  This means that while we meet for parent conferences, report cards won’t come home until next week (Thursday).  CBAs this week are Tuesday and Thursday.  We have an early release day next Wednesday the 14th.  Remember we now dismiss at 11:55 for early release.  We will have off the 21st-23rd for Thanksgiving.

This week in our learning:
Reading: similarities and differences in plots by the same author
Math: review 6 weeks material
Science: Earth’s resources
Social Studies: Landforms
Spelling: Review high frequency words
Writing: Personal narratives

Almost forgot!  We are collecting dollars this week for our annual Dollar to Make a Difference!  Consider donating a dollar to Mesquite Social Services so that every child will have a Merry Christmas.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

A Post Halloween Treat

Well tried desperately to upload a little Reader's Theatre we performed on Wednesday, but it won't upload so instead....How about a few Pumpkin reports

Arthur pumpkin

 SkippyJon Jones was a popular pumpkin
A Mummy's Curse pumpkin