Monday, December 16, 2013

Dec. 16th, 2013

Thompson Class News Dec. 16, 2013    
O lordy, what a week!  The kids are ready for the big day, they keep reminding me.  Please help me keep them focused these last few days.  If you haven’t paid your 4 dollars, please do so quickly.  Mrs. Wuest is asking me for it daily and I want to make sure everyone gets our
“special food”.  I checked what people signed up for and it looks like we have everything covered.  If you can’t remember what you signed up for, call me I will let you know.  Remember if you want to participate in the book exchange you can bring it the day of the party.  If I don’t get the chance to see you between now and then, Merry Christmas! And thank you for all that you do for your student and our class.  It is greatly appreciated.
 O and if you can make it to the party, please come at 10:!5.  I am in need of about 5/6 parent volunteers.  It's practically painless I promise.
Ms. T  

Monday, December 9, 2013

Dec 9th

Thompson Class News Dec. 9th

What cold weather we’re having.  Thanks to those who returned party letters and money.  If you haven’t turned in either, you can do turn in your four dollars and forms this week.  Our party will be Friday the 20th starting at 10:15. Tomorrow we will take the Reading Checkpoint and Wednesday will be the Math checkpoint.

This week in our learning
Reading: digital media
Math: deciding the operation
Science: mealworms
Social Studies: Civil War
Writing: persuasive letters
Spelling: More r control vowels  

Monday, December 2, 2013

Dec 2, 2013

Thompson Class News Dec. 2

We have three short weeks between now and Christmas break.  Tomorrow and Wednesday we have checkpoint testing.  Please make sure your student eats in the morning and is getting plenty of sleep. Mrs. Sadler is ready to start our 12 days of Christmas in the library this Thursday.  Be on the lookout for special notes about a few items we might need on some special days.  I will be sending home the Christmas party letter today or tomorrow.  Our party is scheduled for Friday Dec 20th.  We would love for you to join us.

This week in our learning:
Reading- media
Math- 2 digit subtraction
Spelling- ir, ur, er
Science- living/nonliving
Social Studies- colonial America
Writing- procedural writing